Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Orange Shirt Day


After reading The Orange Shirt Story, each student chose a colour, a symbol and an image to represent the text.

Later on in the year students will participate in a more in-depth exploration of residential schools.


 This year in English Language Arts, students will participate in Speechtastic, where, by preparing different short speeches, they will improve their speaking skills, develop their listening skills and use their creativity!

Their first speech of the year is an Impromptu Speech, a speech given with little preparation. Each student will give Mme McKenzie three possible topics. She will randomly choose one and the student will have to present their speech on the spot. What is most important is to speak clearly and calmly, without long pauses, umms or misused 'likes'.

Presentations will take place 
Monday, October 5th.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Terry Fox Walk!

 It was a beautiful morning to walk around the community in support of the Terry Fox Foundation.

Thank you to everyone who donated to the Terry Fox Foundation through SchoolCashOnline.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Terry Fox!

 École Ness will be participating in its annual Terry Fox Run this week. This year, students and teachers will be walking a 2 km loop in our community to celebrate Terry Fox and the Marathon of Hope. At École Ness, we believe that this is an excellent way to foster a sense of belonging and unity by participating as a school toward a great cause: cancer research. 

In addition to walking in our community, we will be doing Toonies for Terry this year. Should your family choose to make a donation of 2 dollars, you can do so at This will be the maximum donation that can be accepted on our online system, so a tax receipt cannot be issued. Should you wish to make a larger donation, you are encouraged to do so at Due to Covid-19 and keeping everyone safe at school, we will not be collecting physical money this year. 

In order to ensure student safety, we will be spreading out our Terry Fox Run over the course of three days. This will allow us to have students walk with their respective cohorts. Each cohort will walk our 2 km loop at a designated time throughout the day. 

Tuesday, September 29th: Grade 6!  Students are encouraged to wear school colors or Ness clothing to show their school spirit throughout our community.

This Week in 209

 Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathématiques: working with multiples, learning about factors, discussing mental math strategies to double a number.

Francais: daily reading, working with verbs, reading about and discussing Terry Fox.

English Language Arts: daily reading, critical thinking, impromptu speeches, discussing growth mindset.

Sciences de la nature: starting design process project.

Sciences Humaines: exploring personal identity, discussing Canadian identity

Friday, September 25, 2020


 Every other Friday, students will have the chance to reflect on the past week by completing a POOF (Positive Observations on Friday) page.

We shared our observations in class, and now students have been asked to share their page with someone at home.

What a great way to start the weekend!
Happy Friday!

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


This year our class will be participating in the Scholastic Reading Club program. Reading every day is the best for students to become independent readers.

NEW this year: your order will now ship to your home and you can order online whenever you want at

When you checkout, please enter my Class Code: RC216987. When you use my class code, our class earns 20% of the value of the order in rewards and you get Free Shipping on your order of $35 or more. 

Here's to a great year of reading!

From the Math Department...

 In math this morning, we worked on finding the least common multiple of two numbers.

Identity Poem!

 After brainstorming and making lists of things that make each of us unique, students created a free form identity poem in the shape of a fingerprint. 

Beautiful work!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

NESS Gear!

 It is now possible to order École Ness gear!

Check out the selection of items and colours!

Monday, September 21, 2020

Important Form!

 Students received today a form regarding immunizations. Please complete it and return it ASAP. Even if you do not consent, you still have to fill out the form and send it back. Thanks!

This Week in Room 209!

 Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathématiques: working with multiples, finding the lowest common multiple, discussing mental math strategies.

Français: daily reading, working with verbs, journal writing.

English Language Arts: daily reading,  critical thinking, sharing circle, Think Quick (speaking game).

Sciences de la nature: investigating dichotomous keys and practicing how to use them.

Sciences Humaines: discussing rights & responsibilities, exploring personal identity.

Picture Day!


Remember to look spiffy on 
Wednesday, September 23rd - it's Picture Day!

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Homework Alert!

 The math title page is due on Monday!

Students: remember to fill your page with all the numbers that matter to you!

Friday, September 18, 2020

Team Challenge!

 Today's team challenge was to keep your group's balloon in the air as long as possible, without talking and having only one person at a time standing. Great teamwork!

*We made sure to sanitize our hands afterwards!*

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Droits et Responsabilités!

 In Social Studies today we discussed Rights and Responsibilities.

For example, you have the right to be respected and the responsibility to respect others.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Class Library!

 As a class, we came up with five rules for our classroom library.

Students have signed their page to show that they are ready to follow the rules. Parents are also asked to sign.
Once students have handed in their signed page, they may start borrowing books from the Classroom Library.
Happy Reading!

Friday, September 11, 2020

Team Challenge!

 In Math this morning, teams were challenged to each recreate a shape using the seven Tangram pieces. 

It was definitely a challenge!

What great teamwork!

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Time Capsule!

 Today students completed a page all about their likes and dislikes and made a few predictions about the school year. These pages have been sealed up and the envelope won't be opened until the very last day of school in June! Students will then get to see if their likes and dislikes have changed throughout the year and if any of their predictions came true!

What's in a Name?

 On Friday, students should be prepared to tell the class the story of their name! 

Remember students: it could be how you got your name, what your name means, or who you are named for. 
You could talk about your first name, your middle name or your last name.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

First Day of School!

 6-1 had a GREAT first day of school, getting to know Mme McKenzie, getting to know each other and getting to know their way around the school! 

Welcome to École Ness!


 Welcome to 6-1 at École Ness! 

I am Mme McKenzie, the Homeroom Teacher as well as the English, French, Math, Science and Social Studies Teacher! As I told the students today, there are three main components to my job: to teach students, to keep them safe and to make things FUN!  I take each part of my job seriously and will do my utmost to make sure this year is a success.

Your child received a package of papers today. 

**Please take the time to read through this important information.                              **Please take note of my contact information and email me with any questions or concerns. 

**Please complete and return these forms ASAP.

**Please note that I am asking students to bring in selected school supplies - the list is on the orange page. Each student has their own bin in the class to store their items.