Thursday, October 29, 2020

Science Design Process Projects

 Students received today their evaluation and self-evaluation for their Science Design Process project.

Any students wishing to re-work their project may 
re-submit their project by Tuesday, November 3rd to be re-evaluated.

Happy Twin Day!


Monday, October 26, 2020

Happy Pajama Day!


This Week in 209

  Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathématiques: working with factor trees, reviewing for the quiz on Thursday.

Francais: daily reading, working with sounds, journal writing, giving and justifying opinions, oral presentation (CFOO) on Wednesday.

English Language Arts: daily reading, read aloud, writing a biography, critical thinking discussions & writing

Sciences de la nature: discussing the five kingdoms of living things

Sciences Humaines: discussing Canadian immigration of the past, researching the experiences of past immigrants.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Upcoming Quiz!

 There will be a Math Quiz on Thursday, October 29th!

Here's what students need to know:
-how to find the factors of a number
-how to find the multiples of a number
-how to find the plus petit commun multiple (ppcm) of two or more numbers
-how to find the plus grand facteur commun (pgfc) of two or more numbers
-the difference between a nombre premier and a nombre composé
-how to show factors using a factor tree

We will be reviewing for the quiz every day in class

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Spirit Week!

 It's time for our first Spirit Week of the year! This is completely optional, but students are encouraged to show their School Spirit by participating!

26 octobre
27 octobre
28 octobre
29 octobre
30 octobre
La journée de pyjama
La tête décorée

Maillot Mercredi​

Jour de jumeaux/jumelles
Jour de costume

It may not be the weekend anymore but this is a Monday where you can stay warm and cozy in your jammies all day!   

Decorate your head in any way you please! Hat or face, crazy hair don't care…dress yourself up from the neck up!

Let's go!  Show your school spitrit by wearing your fave jersey/ team gear today!

Today is the day for seeing double!
Dress up just like your bestie and be twins for a day.
Wear your Halloween costumes, past or present! 
Please remember that all costumes must be school appropriate. Masks and weapons associated with costumes will not be permitted. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

From the Science Department...

 The Science Design Process Projects were due today.

Students presented their projects in small groups.

What amazing work! Well done!


 In Français, we have started CFOO (Le Club Fabuleux des Orateurs et Oratrices)! 

This is a public speaking "club" that will help students improve their oral French skills through short presentations.
There are fifteen different presentations, separated into three categories: Research, Opinion and Creativity.
For the first presentation, students must choose one of the five Opinion options. They will then prepare their short oral presentation, fulfilling all of the criteria (listed on the page they have in their binder).
Students should also keep in mind eye contact, volume and expression during their presentation.
The presentation could take on various forms: a speech, a poster, a puppet play, etc. - the possibilities are endless!

The first CFOO will take place on Wednesday, October 28th.

Monday, October 19, 2020

This Week in 209!

 Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathématiques: working with prime & composite numbers, discussing mental math strategies to find compatible numbers.

Francais: daily reading, working with verbs & sounds, journal writing, giving and justifying opinions

English Language Arts: daily reading, read aloud, writing a biography, critical thinking discussions & writing

Sciences de la nature: discussing the five kingdoms of living things, presenting our design process projects.

Sciences Humaines: discussing Canadian immigration of the past, researching the experiences of past immigrants.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Homework Alert!

 The Science Design Process Projects are due

 Tuesday, October 20th!

(Please see the October 2nd post for more detail)

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

This Week in 209

 Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathématiques: working with factors, learning about prime & composite numbers, discussing mental math strategies to find compatible numbers.

Francais: daily reading, working with verbs & sounds, listening & viewing, giving and justifying opinions.

English Language Arts: daily reading, read aloud, critical thinking, starting our biography writing project

Sciences de la nature: discussing the definition of living things and how to classify them.

Sciences Humaines: discussing Canadian immigration of the past 

Friday, October 9, 2020

Team Challenge!

 Today's team challenge was to arrange playing cards in a 3 x 3 square so that the sum of each row, column and diagonal gave the same number. It was a true challenge!


  It's Friday, so students had the chance to reflect on the past week by completing a P.O.O.F (Positive Observations on Friday) page.

We shared our observations in class, and now students have been asked to share their page with someone at home.

Happy weekend!


 This week in English Language Arts, students were challenged to write Haiku poems around the theme of fall. 

Poetry Power!

Monday, October 5, 2020

Read Aloud!

 In English Language Arts, 

we are exploring together the novel Ghost Boys by Jewell Parker Rhodes.

This week in Room 209

 Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathématiques: working with factors, discussing mental math strategies to double a number.

Francais: daily reading, working with verbs & sounds, journal writing.

English Language Arts: daily reading, read aloud, Speechtastic presentations, writing Haiku poems.

Sciences de la nature: working on Design Process projects, discussing living things and how to classify them.

Sciences Humaines: discussing Canadian identity.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Science Project!

 It's time for our first Science Design Process!

Here's a quick rundown of what students have to do:
-Invent a planet with at least 16 aliens
-Design a dichotomous key to classify all of the aliens
-Name and describe each final category on the dichotomous key, giving examples.

**The representation of the planet and aliens can take any number of forms: a poster, a drawing, a collage, a diorama, etc.

**The final project must also include the dichotomous key and the category descriptions, written, of course, in beautiful French.

Students will have class time to work. The balance of the project will be completed at home.

Students have a rough copy (please see below), including all of the details of the project and a rubric showing how the final project will be marked. This rough copy must be handed in along with the final project.

The final project will be due October 20th.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Knights of Ness!

 Since school began, we have been discussing the four values of Knights: respect, responsibility, integrity and excellence. We combined our ideas together into a handy-dandy poster, which we have all signed and pledged to follow throughout the year. It will hang on our wall as a constant reminder of how to be a classroom community.