Monday, April 26, 2021

Upcoming Quiz!

 On Wednesday, April 28th, there will be a Math Quiz on angles.

Students should be able to:
*estimate the measure of an angle
*measure an angle using a protractor
*identify the type of angle (aigu, obtus, plat, droit, rentrant)
*find a missing angle knowing that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle equals 180'
*find a missing angle knowing that the sum of the interior angles of a quadrilateral equals 360'

We will be reviewing all concepts in class.

This Week in 6-1!

 Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathématiques:  the multiplication of decimal numbers, reviewing angles, angles quiz, problem solving

Français: daily reading, writing project, journal writing

English Language Arts: daily reading,  persuasive essay writing, read aloud & discussions, poetry
Sciences de la nature:  learning about Canadian space missions,  types of satellites

Sciences humaines:  learning about Canada's involvement and contributions during World War II: the Liberation of the Netherlands, researching the Victoria Cross

**There is a new page on the blog (WORK AT HOME) with this week's assignments for students who are away from class.**

Monday, April 19, 2021

This Week in 6-1!

 Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathématiques:  the multiplication of decimal numbers, measuring, classifying and drawing angles, angles in triangles & quadrilaterals

Français: daily reading, writing project, presenting CFOO speeches

English Language Arts: daily reading,  persuasive writing, read aloud & discussions, critical thinking: Earth Day
    **On the English Language Arts page of the blog, the chapters from the read aloud are posted**

Sciences de la nature:  planning a menu for an astronaut in space

Sciences humaines:  learning about Canada's involvement and contributions during World War II: D Day & the Liberation of the Netherlands

Tuesday, April 13, 2021


 In Français, it's time for another CFOO (Le Club Fabuleux des Orateurs et Oratrices)! 

This is a public speaking "club" that will help students improve their oral French skills through short speeches.
This time around, students can choose any one of the presentation options that they have not already presented. They will prepare their short oral presentation, fulfilling all of the criteria (listed on the pages they have in their binder).
Students should also keep in mind eye contact, volume and expression during their presentation.

The CFOO Presentations will take place on Wednesday, April 21st.

Monday, April 12, 2021

This Week in 6-1!

 Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathématiques:  the multiplication of decimal numbers, measuring and classifying angles

Français: daily reading, writing project, preparing CFOO presentation

English Language Arts: daily reading,  persuasive writing, read aloud & discussions

Sciences de la nature:  learning about the needs of astronauts in space, nutrition in space

Sciences humaines:  learning about Canada's involvement and contributions during World War II and D Day

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Thrival Kits!

 Thrival Kits were created with the Canadian Mental Health Association to promote mental wellbeing for children.

Each student got the chance to build and decorate their very own box. They then received a wellbeing journal and a touchstone. Also included was a magnet and a seed paper.

Students are encouraged to take care of their mental health by using these objects.


Monday, April 5, 2021

This Week in 6-1!

 Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathématiques:   the multiplication of decimal numbers, learning about different types of angles

Français: daily reading, writing project, asking questions

English Language Arts: daily reading,  persuasive writing, read aloud & discussions

Sciences de la nature:  learning about the needs of astronauts in space

Sciences humaines:  learning about Canada's involvement and contributions during World War II