Monday, November 30, 2020

This Week in 6-1!

 Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathématiques: converting improper fractions to mixed numbers, working with the Cartesian plane

Français: daily reading,  retelling and inventing stories by following a narrative structure

English Language Arts: daily reading, revising, editing and publishing biographies, presenting Speechtastic

Sciences de la nature: researching arthropods, learning about vertebrates

Sciences Humaines: learning about the Battle of Beaumont-Hamel and the Battle for Vimy Ridge

Friday, November 27, 2020


   It's Friday, so students had the chance to reflect by completing a P.O.O.F (Positive Observations on Friday) page.

We shared our observations in class, and now students have been asked to share their page with someone at home.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

This (Short) Week in 6-1!

 Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathématiques: representing improper fractions and mixed numbers on a number line, converting mixed numbers to improper fractions

Français: daily reading,  retelling and inventing stories by following a narrative structure

English Language Arts: daily reading, revising, editing and publishing biographies, preparing Speechtastic

Sciences de la nature: researching arthropods

Sciences Humaines: learning about the 2nd Battle of Ypres

Friday, November 20, 2020


It's time for another Speechtastic!

This time, students are preparing an Instructional Speech. They have chosen a demonstration (how to draw something, how to make something, how to do something...) and are planning a 2-5 minute speech to demonstrate the process to the audience. They should be sure to have an introduction, a middle (with the step-by-step process explained with clear details) and a conclusion.

Students may use visuals and/or props 
but have been encouraged to keep it simple!

Speechtastic Presentations are 
Thursday, December 3rd and Friday, December 4th

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

School Supplies!

 For upcoming art projects, students should be sure to have scissors, glue and markers or pencil crayons at school.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Monday, November 16, 2020

This week in 6-1!

  Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathématiques: representing and identifying improper fractions and mixed numbers, using multiple strategies to solve subtraction equations.

Français: daily reading, presenting a creative poem about peace, retelling and inventing stories following a narrative structure

English Language Arts: daily reading, revising and editing biographies, listening to podcast, reflection on the first term.

Sciences de la nature: researching invertebrate animals, learning about arthropods

Sciences Humaines: learning how World War I started, trench warfare and the important Canadian battles.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Lest We Forget

 Students wrote a Remembrance Day message on a postcard today, to be delivered to someone in their family.

Remembrance Day

 Students respectfully observed Remembrance Day today.

Monday, November 9, 2020

This Week in Room 209

 Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathématiques: representing and finding equivalent fractions, practicing strategies to solve subtraction equations.

Français: daily reading, writing a creative poem about peace, using correct vocabulary to play games.

English Language Arts: daily reading, writing biographies, listening & viewing.

Sciences de la nature: researching invertebrate animals.

Sciences Humaines: learning how World War I started, discussing the importance of Remembrance Day and the poppy.

Monday, November 2, 2020

This Week in 209

 Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathématiques: representing proper fractions and equivalent fractions, practicing strategies to solve subtraction equations.

Français: daily reading, expressing opinions with justification, writing a creative poem about peace.

English Language Arts: daily reading, writing biographies, critical thinking discussions and writing, listening & viewing.

Sciences de la nature: exploring the difference between vertebrate and invertebrate animal, researching invertebrate animals.

Sciences Humaines: researching the experiences of past immigrants to Canada, beginning our study of World War I.